Welcome to Montessori International Preschool
Montessori International Preschool is a preschool based on the Montessori educational approach. We are committed to the principles of Maria Montessori and to providing a safe, secure and happy environment for your children. We encourage the children to investigate and explore, to gain confidence, independence and language development.

The Montessori philosophy is based on a profound respect for each child as a unique human being. Our approach assumes that children are born intelligent, curious, creative and are ripe to develop a sense of wonder and imagination. The goal is not to control, but to inspire our children to learn voluntarily. In its essence, Montessori is designed to teach children to think deeply, to think for themselves and to think about others. We believe that learning how to think for oneself (in effect, learning how to learn) will get a child through both school and life.
Maria Montessori believed that children are natural learners and little teachers. Children work for the joy of the process rather than for the end result, and children are excited and energized through work. A child may repeat activities over and over until an inner need is fulfilled.

A Holistic Approach to Preschool Education
Preschool: For children from 2 years 10 months to 6 years old, based on the multi-age principle where children work at their own pace in a shared classroom. Graduates are prepared to integrate into any school system, both in Denmark and internationally.
Holistic: Our approach nurtures each child's moral and personal qualities, addressing their physical, intellectual, and emotional development. We teach values like freedom, responsibility, creativity, and self-reliance, helping children grow as well-rounded individuals.

A Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural Preschool Experience
Multi-Lingual: With instruction in English and occasional Danish songs, children are exposed to multiple languages, often singing birthday songs in languages represented by our diverse community. This experience fosters communication skills, acceptance, and curiosity.
International / Multi-Cultural: Our preschool embraces diversity with children and staff from various cultural and national backgrounds. Children learn about customs and celebrations from different countries, enriching their understanding of global cultures.







Parent Feedback About Our Preschool
Our mission is to develop and nurture the intellectual, creative and human potential of our children by providing them with a warm, safe and stimulating environment.
Our oldest son had a fabulous time at the Montessori International Preschool and benefited enormously from his almost two years there. The Montessori method supported and accelerated his intellectual, social and emotional development... Read the rest of the testimonial
Benedikt’s mother ParentMy son attended the Preschool in Valby in 2011-2012. Isabelle and the Team are doing their jobs professionally and with heart. Kids are growing in a positive atmosphere, spending their time together and helping each other to develop their skills... Read the rest of the testimonial
Misha’s father Parent